Steel Frames AC systems are one of our most requested Steel Fabrication services. They offer a good range of flexibility allowing for a great number of benefits. Benefits like being cost effective, robust, quick install time, weather, and versatility.
Steel Frame AC systems versatility is one of it’s best benefits. They can be installed without the need for major changes to your building. Some buildings have limiting factors like space constraints, existing up-stands/services obstruction, louver screen supports, stacked/sectioned unit arrangements and weak roof construction. These factors can be overcome by the versatility of a Steel Frame AC system. Our team can install a Steel Frame AC system to your building quickly and within the limiting constraints negating the need for any major work to be done to your building.

Quick installation is common with Steel Frame AC systems. With the number of HVAC manufacturers increasing, using frames to mount them becomes useful as it cuts down on the time spent installing them. Our team can execute different configurations for the different AC units that need to be installed.
Another benefit of a Steel Frame AC system is weather. In areas like South Florida where flash flooding is quite common a Steel Frame AC system would work well on flat roofs where heavy rains can quickly cause them to flood and damaging equipment after a storm. A Steel Frame AC system would set the AC system on a frame above the flooded roof keeping the equipment safe.